On Friday we got together with a group of friends to celebrate Josiah & Kim's birthday.
The Johnson's & Steven's got Josiah some SEA MONKEYS.... so we started our sea monkey adventure & I will be sureto blog it when they hatch.
On Saturday we met up with the Tollefson's at the Imagine Children's Musuem. The Kids had SUCH an amazing time. And it was Pirate day so Josiah got to fight a pirate.
Grace & Josiah playing o the bus
They have this new "Glow Room" where the kids can play with different things that glow.... plus they glow :-). Maddie in the Glow Room
Maddie and the skunk was playing with me in the tree. I was worried it would stink up the place, but Maddie assured me it was a nice skunk.
The musuem has a "Water Room" it was probably the most popular for the kids. Evan, Maddie, Grace & Josiah had a GREAT time and we enjoyed watching them.
Me & Kat are watching the kids get wet. and having some great conversation.
Kat's husband Gary. This s also David's Coworker.
Grace after her time in the water room... she is SOAKED.
Gary & David even started to join in the fun.
And then Monday came along & we invited the grandparents over for some cake & ice cream.
Ok there is our weekend! Josiah is now 7 can you believe it????? I can't. A proof that he is growing up, on Friday on the way to dinner he asked me if the tooth fairy was real. Ohhhh my heart sank. So I told him the truth and we talked about it. He didn't figure out Santa, but I am sure once Christmas comes he'll ask.
I can't believe how far behind I am.... so here goes a collection of posts... enjoy. Also the story behing the Dick's cheeseburgers were they were for a beer bash at work and David & I had to go pick them up. I thought it was interesting. :-).
Wednesday was the first day of school for both Alex & Josiah. Since I stopped walking Alex to school in the 6th grade the only tradition I have upheld is the picture in front of the door.
I was a good mom and tried to hide behind the column in front of our front door in case one of his friends walked by.... he didn't want to be seen giving into to his mom's need of a photo.
Now Josiah doesn't have the luxury of going to school on day one by him self, but the photo in front of the door is something I have done with Alex every year, so it will continue with Josiah.
Here he is showing off his pink shirt. He still links getting his photo like this is pretty cool.
This is Josiah at his desk. So cute.
And after he thought I left I caught him already distracting the kids around him, making an eraser monster.
Both boys had a good first day. Josiah even earned something out of the "Good listener box", so maybe, just maybe I won't be hearing from the "Turn Around Center" as ofter this year. (Turn Around Center is like being sent to the principal's office). But I did go introduce myself to the new center's teacher and touched base with her to assure her we are on the same page.
On Friday we stopped and got gas. I learned that Josiah has a new job. I thought about tipping him, but I don't want to start something. :-).
Once again we were petting sitting at two different houses, we also took Gabe for Saturday afternoon. Here he is with the dogs. He loved all the attention.
In this last photo it was one of the few times we could get Josiah to enjoy the dogs. They were so hyper that it freaked him out and he didn't like them. Wierd cause he says he wants a dog SO bad, yet they way he acted this weekend their is no way I am bringing a real dog into this house. I thought the dogs were really fun. I got to read books and cuddle with Gracie, I loved it. I also had time at my sewing machine.... This is Josiah's dog quilt. I threw it together last Sunday and today I added a couple of borders. He picked the fabric & I layed it out. It was one of those quilts that I knew I could do in a day, so it was instant grattification. Even Gracie liked the dog quilt. This one is more of a joke, My brother HATES penquins, I don't know why, but he has this fear of them. So we have been making sure Gabe has his share of penquin things. So when I saw this fabric I knew I had to make a quilt.
I pieced together the back with some of the left over fabric. So it's going to be two quilts in one.
So now we are at home, relaxing and enjoying our Monday off. Don't worry mom, your quilts are next on my list!! I just needed some "get them done today" quilts so I can go back to work on the crown royal one refreshed.