My mom called at 7:40 to see if we were awake, I told her to head our way and I would get the boys up. I was actually surprised Josiah was still sleeping. After I woke him up he ran in my room and asked if he could go see if the stockings were filled. He ran out in the living room and came back yelling that Santa had come. We sat around and enjoyed each others company and then once my parents arrived we went for the gifts.
Josiah got a LOT of lego's
One of the gifts from Santa was a video game... but Santa brought us a game for a Wii- which we don't have so Josiah was a little confused.
Santa remembered the Red & Black bionicles.
Alex got a Reggie Bush jersey ( NO Saints)
Alex also got a dock for his iPod and another Wii game. Boy santa isn't a very good video game shopper.
David received a book card, some movies & a deep fryer
Cori got a new bath robe (actually two so I can have one while the others being washed and I never have to worry about getting in the dryer so I can use it) an ornament & a Wii!!!!! I guess Santa knew what he was doing.
We spent the rest of the morning playing the Wii. For being a video game console I was never so tired in my life when I got done. It is a LOT of fun and a LOT of exercise.
Before Alex headed to his dad we took our annual family photo. Since my parents were still here I didn't have to use the timer. Out of the MANY photos taken this one was the best...
After my nap we drove through the snow (!!!!!!) and headed to my brother's house to see Gabe open some gifts. It was a lot of fun. Sorry no more pictures from the afternoon, I was too busy enjoying my nephew and family to even think about the camera.
I hope you all had a wonderful relaxing day enjoying the birthday of our Lord and Savior.
For unto you, is born this day, in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10).
Now back to bowling with the boys on the Wii!!!!
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